Plaintiff Testimonials
“I can’t impress upon attorneys enough the importance of entering your settlements and verdicts into the CaseMetrix database. This information is helpful to everyone in the network who is evaluating cases and then using the data in their negotiations to achieve the best settlements possible for their clients. If you’re not a member of CaseMetrix, I encourage you to join.”
Michael A. Haggard
The Haggard Law Firm
“CaseMetrix proved critical the first month I subscribed. The team did research on a large case where my client had similar prior complaints. When the case mediated, the Defense firm brought their own CaseMetrix reports as leverage against us — thankfully I already had our own data ready to push back, which included all of the elements of the case (instead of only the elements favorable to the Defense). The 7-figure case settled for 25% more than what Defense had hoped for. Thank you CaseMetrix.”
Michael Gumprecht
The Gumprecht Law Firm, Woodstock, GA
“We had a motor vehicle case with soft tissue injuries and a concussion. Our first offer from the carrier was just below the medical specials, at $14,270. After initial negotiations, the most they were willing to move was up to $19,000. We then sent them the CaseMetrix reports, showing the true value of our case, and were able to settle for $30,000.”
Tyler Dillard
Anderson Tate Carr, Duluth, GA
“After forwarding a number of reports to the adjuster showing this particular carrier had routinely been paying well in excess of the last offer, I promptly received an offer that was $21,000 higher than the “top dollar offer” that was made earlier that week. My client is ecstatic. This one case generated an additional fee that would pay for my CaseMetrix subscription for at least 7 years.”
Steve Watrel
Coker Law, Jacksonville, FL
“CaseMetrix is current and you can find what you’re looking for. I can see this being really beneficial at mediation.”
Pete Law
Law & Moran, Atlanta, GA
“CaseMetrix is very helpful to me in appreciating what juries have done in prior cases. I recently searched CaseMetrix to specifically determine an appropriate amount to present to a Dekalb County jury on a premises rape case. I asked for a figure based upon the search results and the jury returned a verdict of $9,000,000.”
Michael Neff
The Law Offices of Michael L. Neff, Atlanta, GA
“We made a pre-suit demand of $76,000 on a chondromalacia injury and the adjuster’s initial offer was $25,000, stating this was near the top of her settlement authority. I performed a CaseMetrix search for knee injuries, surgical and non-surgical, with and without a permanent impairment rating. The results substantiated my prior opinion that the case was worth approximately $50,000 to $60,000. I shared the CaseMetrix reports with the adjuster and the case promptly settled for $52,000. Without CaseMetrix I am sure this case would currently be in litigation as the adjuster was unreasonable in her initial assessment.”
Gini Lynn Jenkins
Bowen Painter Trial Lawyers, Savannah, GA
Defense Testimonials
“I utilized CaseMetrix reports for the first time in mediation yesterday. I incorporated recent, relevant county specific CaseMetrix reports into my Power Point presentation and they were very persuasive. Opposing counsel used some Westlaw reports from different counties utilizing specials that were not consistent with the specials in my case. These differences were apparent to the mediator and to the plaintiffs. My CaseMetrix reports were not even challenged. I was able to also use the reports to challenge opposing counsel’s claims regarding the alleged liberal nature of our jurisdiction, as well. In my case, involving significant exposure, I was able to settle the claim at a figure that was fair and reasonable and most importantly, avoided litigation which is of increasing importance in the competitive insurance defense market. My monthly subscription pales in comparison to the amount of money I saved my client the first time I used CaseMetrix, and a happy client is pleased to cover the modest cost.”
Steve Kyle
Bovis, Kyle & Burch, Atlanta, GA
“We have recently utilized CaseMetrix reports as supporting documentation for 2 successful removals from Fulton County to the United States District Court in Atlanta. The data contained in the CaseMetrix reports provided necessary evidence to establish the jurisdictional amount of $75,000. The case searches were quick and produced cases that were on point in terms of the specific injuries and specials required.“
Gene Major
Fain, Major & Brennan, Atlanta, GA
“I have found CaseMetrix to be an invaluable resource. Their service is impeccable, and the information is astounding. I recently had a case where venue was transferred from Bibb County to Sumter County. Verdict and settlement data provided by CaseMetrix allowed both sides to realize that the value of the case had changed as a result of the transfer, and the parties quickly reached an amicable solution.“
Lee Gillis, Jr
James, Bates, Pope & Spivey, Macon, GA
“CaseMetrix is an excellent tool for assessing case value and resolving claims. Its detailed database of recent cases is a valuable resource and has helped us to achieve favorable results.“
Matt Stone
Stone Kalfus LLP, Atlanta, GA
“I used it and love it. I was amazed with as much as I got and it was right up to date. This thing can only get better.“
Pat White
Kershaw White, LLC, Atlanta, GA
“We recently had a corporate client who requested an emergent verdict and settlement search. We had just subscribed to CaseMetrix, so I had the most up-to-date Georgia data at my fingertips and I was able to email pdf summaries of pertinent cases in a matter of minutes. My partners and I love the real-time nature of the data and the user-friendly interface, while our clients appreciate knowing the real value of cases without a doubt.“
Warner Fox
Hawkins & Parnell, Atlanta, GA
Mediator Testimonials
“The essence of mediation is the evaluation of contested claims. In the past this has been mostly educated guesswork. CaseMetrix reduces the level of guesswork by providing real values of similar cases settled or tried to verdict in the same or similar venues. It has a level of credibility that has not existed previously, and is now a frequently used tool in mediation.“
Judge Lamar Sizemore
Sell & Melton, Macon, Ga
“I have been a CaseMetrix subscriber for many years and have utilized their settlement & verdict databases in liability cases in my capacity as an attorney and as a mediator at BAY Mediation & Arbitration. I have found the data to be well balanced & helpful in resolving those cases, so I was very glad to hear they’re building a Workers’ Comp database. We have contributed some of our law firm’s non-privileged Workers’ Comp settlement data and very much look forward to using that database, as well. To keep it balanced, both claimant and defense attorneys are invited to enter WC settlements and earn free time searching it.“
F. Scott Young
Barrickman, Allred & Young, Llc & Bay Mediation & Arbitration
“I mediate cases daily and have come to heavily rely on the objective data reported in the CaseMetrix settlement and verdict database. Most of my searches can be run in a matter of seconds, and time is often an issue. I recently had a complex case in which the value was hotly disputed by the parties and they were prepared to leave. Once I produced CaseMetrix reports for review by counsel for both parties, we were able to resolve the matter calmly, and the parties and attorneys were satisfied with the settlement. CaseMetrix gives everyone in the mediation room an undeniable reality check, because it reflects Georgia cases that are directly on point and it’s constantly being updated. It’s the best resource available to me as a mediator.“
Victor Faenza
Bay Mediation, Atlanta, Ga
“I have found CaseMetrix an invaluable tool for helping get cases settled. I particularly like the ability to tailor searches based on multiple variables, from injury type to amount of special damages to whether the plaintiff was a driver or passenger. The reports provide an effective objective framework on which the attorneys can base or adjust the valuation of their cases, and help demonstrate to the client the range of possible outcomes. I cannot think of mediating without it.“
Christopher Annunziata
CKA Mediation and Arbitration, Atlanta, Ga
“CaseMetrix is the very thing that has been missing in my mediation practice.“
Judge Gino Brogdon
Henning Mediation and Arbitration Service, Atlanta, Ga